Thursday, December 04, 2008

4th dec 2008

1. Recently a country started giving subsidy to it’s citizen for settling in rural areas and take up farming:-
a. Romania
b. Bulgaria
c. hungary
d. Italy

Ans A..under national rural development program a non-disbursable EU fund of $106million.

2. According to International Telecom Union the definition of broadband is fulfilled when the connection speed is
a. 128kbps
b. 256kbps
c. 512kbps
d. 2 Mbps
Ans B

3. oslo convention also known as CCM called for banning
a. Grenades
b. AK-47
c. cluster bombs and munitions
d. anti-tank Mines.
Ans C

4. International Centre of material science is located at
a. Vienna
c. Bangkok
d. Frankfurt
Ans B

5.Indian Institute of soil science is located at
a. new delhi
b. cuttack
c Bhopal
d. panjim

Ans C bhopal

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