Monday, December 08, 2008

08 dec 2008

1.Pritika kalra Gandhi who recently won National women Excellence Award 2008 is an:-

a. odissi dancer
b. author
c. painter
d. social worker
Ans A

2.Scopus Young Scientist awards are instituted by:-
a. Elsevier, the world’s leading research publisher of scientific information.
b. Indian Institute Of Sciences,banglore
d. UGC
Ans a)

3. ans the following
a. statement 1 and 2 are true and reason it out.
b. statement 1 and 2 are true and do not relate to each other
c. statement 1 is true and 2 is false
d. statement 1 is false and 2 is true

1. A securitization company or reconstruction company may resort to take over the management of the borrower “when the amount due to it from the borrower is not less than 25 percent of the total assets owned by the borrower”
2. It allows under the securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and enforcement of Security interests Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act)

Ans A

4. Autorickshaw ferrying children is banned in which city of India from jan 2009:-

a. bhubaneswar
b. delhi
c. chandigarh
d. jaipur
Ans C

5. Find mismatch

(i) National Institute of Nutrition : Hyderabad
(ii) National institue of cell sciences: pune
(iii) National institue of family and health management: mumbai

a . i only
b. ii only
c. iii only
d. none

Ans c NIFHM is at new delhi

6. Valganciclovir is a treatment for cytomegalovirus (CMV), a virus that often attacks the retina of people with lower immune systems, such as AIDS patients it is a patented drug under:-
a. Roche
b. Ranbaxy
c. Cipla
d. Aventis

Ans A

7. WI-Max is:-

a. wireless digital communications system that can provide broadband wireless access up to 50 km for fixed station .it is higher version of Wi- Fi
b. technology dealing with maximum current transfer with less loss in electricity supply
c. A new videogame
d. Wires required for connecting gates of transistor

Ans A

8. BECIL is
a. Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Ltd is a consultancy agency and turnkey solution provider in the area of broadcast engineering.
b. English name of Tulsi plant
c. subsidiary of Coal India limited (CIL) working in bihar.
d. none of above

Ans A .recently it was conferred mini ratna status, it was established as the government opened the broadcasting sector after the gulf war in 1989. regulates TV and radio broadcast ,FM broadcast, DTH etc

9. who invented blackberry

a. Mike lazaridis of University of waterloo, Canada
b. Ivan smith of Stanford
c. Vinod Dham
d. Microsoft
Ans a

10. Dr.Douglas Engelbart deviced X-y coordinator named as “mouse of computer” ,today celebrating 40 years of existence is now more accurate and operates with;-
a. LED
b. Infrared Laser
c. roller balls
d. transistor

Ans b

11. Who has termed SCI-FI:-
a. Issac Newton
b. Stevan Spielberg
c. Forrest J Ackerman
d. Stephan king

Ans C

12 Baju Melayu is:
a. traditional outfit of Malaysia
b. martial arts of assam
c. drink of Colombia
d. Japanese art of flowers

Ans A

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