Monday, December 01, 2008

30th nov 2008

After a traumatic 59 hours of operation it really feels heartening for the victims of terror in the recent Mumbai attack. My sympathy and condolences are with all the victims.

As the NSG commandos said after the operation “Yehi to Humara kaam hai”
It would be learning lesson for all of us.
We as civil service aspirants have to learn and imbibe the spirit of dutifulness by doing our job and performing our duty with sense of responsibility and best of our ability always.
To this day our duty lies to give our heart and soul to clear the CSE and if unlucky, utilize our learning to its best form in our line of duty in whatever we do in future.

I apologize for the discontinuity of current question for the last fortnight.
I would try my best to frame questions on those missed days too

30th Nov .2008

1. National security guards (NSG) , consider the following facts and choose the correct
1. Started as Federal contingency deployment force in 1984 after operation Bluestar.
2. Modelled on UK’s Special Air Services(SAS) and Germany’s elite counter-terrorism force GSG-9
3. NSG centered at Manesar,Gurgaon has two wing special Action group(SAG) all from army only and Special Ranger Groups (SRG) paramilitary force included.
4. NSG comes under cabinet secretariat.

a) 2 & 3
b) 1, & 2&, 3& ,4
c) 1, &2, &3
d) 1, &3
Ans C………..NSG under home ministry and SPG in cabinet secretariat

2. Safeguard duty is:-

a. Customs duty over and above the applicable duty, may be imposed by the cent govt on any article if its import has increased due to reduction in the rates of customs duty or relaxation of import restriction, causing domestic industry manufacturing the same or directly competing goods.
b. NSG, MARCOS, doing there duty as a counter terror responsive team as in case of recent terror attacks
c. The component of automobile which act as reducing the impact of jerk during a road accident example air bags,
d. A recently launced anti-virus software by IIT Delhi students. Allowing free updating for users on internet against worms and viruses infecting database of computer.
Ans A

3. Find the mismatch

1. Operation black thunder :: Golden Temple
2. Operation cyclone: Taj heritage attack
3. Operation black tornedo: Cleaning of Taj mahal,Agra
4. Operation Meghdoot: Siachin operation

a) 1,2,3,4
b) 1,2,3
c) 1,2,4
d) 2,3

Ans C op black tornedo is of NSG action in Nariman house

4. The recently hit cyclone in coromondel coast of India , devastating Chennai city
a) Cyclone Nisha
b) Cyclone Pawan
c) Cyclone Chandni
d) Cyclone Megha

Ans A

5. Consider the statement about Taj Heritage hotel
1. Taj heritage was build by JRD Tata in 1903
2. built by Italian architect with amalgamation of Moorish,oriental and Florentine cost of 25 lakhs.
3. The taj heritage shares it’s space with Gateway of India at the Apollo Bunder of south Mumbai.
4. It was the first electrified building of Mumbai.
5 . It is under Indian Hotels group of Tata’s.

a) all of the above
b) 2,3,4,5
c) 1,2,3,4
d) 1,2,5
Ans B) built by jamesdji nusserwanji TaTA

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