Thursday, January 14, 2010

MCQ strategy

The following questions are compiled from Diary of Events from The Hindu.
I am sure it would be beneficial to all.
Some strategy to see at the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)
1. Read full question with options
2. There is relevance of each option even if false it has some information.
3. Guessing in negative marks should be the last priority.
4. First do sure shot question (that is confident knowledge)
5. Secondly do question with around 2 options conflicting as answer (half knowledge)
6. With limited time and limited number ,do guessing (intuition based no blind guess)
7. In exam scenario solve each question mark it as you read.
8. In practice tests whatever is wrong get the knowledge to correct it.
9. 100% solving is utopian target so don’t run after it as it is qualifying exam you have to do to qualify for mains. So have practical mentality.
10. GS is like thali with various foods option in it. Everything you’ll see you’ll like is not mandatory. Whatever is your favorite do it first.
11. Enough of Instruction :: just do the question to learn more and making your knowledge confident. You might read less but still be confident of your knowledge.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The blog would soon be active !!!

I am extremely sorry for my absence from the internet.
Now that CSP 2010 notification is out and precisely 4 month and 10 days are remaining.
Most of my fellow aspirants would find difficult to compile material and read them.
I would be posting 60 question in MCQ format for GS preparation.One blog in 2 days.
The questions would be completely designed , written and answered according to my limit of knowledge ,source.This would not be from any coaching Institute of India this is my personal guarantee. I would like to be original as always any resemblance would be coincidence. I would not take guarantee of any question. Fellow aspirants are requested to notify me or post comment regarding any query. Corrections/Suggestion are welcome always.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

13th jan 2009

Apart from current question of India and world , relevant local geographical data also turn up as question . I would like to add each local relevant question in current daily according to each state and UT.
I… Andaman Nicobar islands

1. The aboriginal inhabitant of A&N are Negritos and anthropologically related to
a. Semang of Malaysia and Aeta of Philippines.
b. Red Indian of America
c. Alaskan tribes
d. African tribe
Ans a) tribes found in A&N
Jarawas, Onges, Jangil,Shompen (mongloid),sentinelese(hostile tribe) and great andamanese, nicobarese(mongloid)

2. The number of district A&N divided into;-
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
Ans b) North and middle Andaman, south Andaman , Nicobar district

3. Port blair city is on chatham islands in south Andaman and earlier capital of A&N it was known as:-
a. port suez
b. port Cornwallis
c. port mayo
d. port rippon

Ans b) after 1789, changed to present portblair

4. the highest peak of south Andaman
a. Mount Thomson
b. Mount crony
c. Mount harriet
d. Mount george

Ans C…..365 m other geographical feature phoenix bay, hope town, harminder bay, dugong creek, dundas point

5. provisional government of A & N setup by subhas Chandra bose was established on
a. 30th dec 1943
b. 31st dec 1943
c. 1st jan 1944
d. 23rd jan 1944
Ans A he took control from Japanese adm and named the island shaeed and swaraj

6. The only british viceroy killed in Indian territory during viceroyality :-
a. Lord Rippon
b. Lord Dufferin
c. Lord Mayo
d. Lord cornwallis
Ans C Mayo was killed by Sher Ali in 1872 , he was hanged on Viper Island Jail

7. one of the biggest Saw mills of asia is located in
a. chatham island
b. Ross Island
c. Jolly Bouy
d. Cinque Island
Ans a …..others are tourist spot of a&N

8. erstwhile Dilthaman tank, only fresh water source to port blair has been converted to national park
a. Mahatma Gandhi national park
b. Gandhi park
c. Nehru park
d. Sonia park

Ans B

9. ten degrees channel separate :
a. Car nicobar and Little Andaman
b. South Andaman and Nicobar
c. Little Andaman and soth Andaman
d. Nicobar and car nicobar islands

Ans A

10. Pygmalion point is on
a. south Andaman
b. great nicobar
c. little Andaman
d. car nicobar

Ans B it is known as indira point now and is the southern most point of India and 91 miles from sumatra.

note: Great Nicobar is the southernmost land mass of the Nicobar group of Islands. Most of this island is hilly and undulating. The main hill range runs from north to south. Mount Thullier which is about 2,105 ft high is the highest peak. Galathea, Alexandra and Dagmar are the major rivers.
11. Timber found exclusive in Andaman islands only and not in nicobar islands
a. padauk and gurjan
b. teak
c. sal
d. redwood
Ans a)

12. The jurisdiction of Andaman and nicobar lies with :-
A. Chennai high court
B. Kolkatta high court
C. Hyderabad high court
D. Delhi high court
Ans –B

13. The cellular jail located in east coast of port blair at the sea of Atlanta point also known as black water prision was commissioned during the viceroyalty of-:
a. lord curzon
b. lord chemsford
c. lord hardinge-II
d. lord minto-I

Ans d

14. the state animal of A&N is –
a. dolphin
b. dugong
c. donkey
d. elephant

Ans B Dugong, an endangered marine mammal, also known as Sea Cow, is only strictly marine mammal, which is herbivorous. It mainly feeds on sea-grass and other aquatic vegetation. Dugong is distributed in shallow tropical waters in Indo-Pacific Region. In India Dugong is reported from Gulf of Kutch, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Within A&N Islands Dugong has been reported from Ritchie”s Archipelago, North Reef, Little Andaman and parts of Nicobars.

15. Turbo,Trochus, Murex and Nautilus are generally known as
a. engine oils
b. corals
c. shells
d. rocks

Ans C

16. The first successful hunger strike on cellular jail was done in
a. 12 may 1933
b. 12 may 1930
c. 12 may 1934
d. Never

Ans a On 12 May 1933 they started a fast unto death. Mahavir Singh, Mohan Kishore Namo Das and Mohit Moitra died during this hunger strike.

There was light in the cells. The prisoners started getting newspapers, books and periodicals. They were allowed to meet. The facility to read individually or on a collective basis was allowed. The opportunity to play sports and organise cultural events was given. The jail work was reduced to minimal. Above all there was respect for the freedom fighters from the prison officials and a marked improvement in their behaviour.
. Arunachal Pradesh

1. When was Arunachal Pradesh given statehood ?
a. 20th feb 1987 as 24th state
b. 20th feb 1987 as 25th state
c. 20th feb 1986 as 24th state
d. 20th feb 1988 as 24th state

Ans A…..after it was given union teritory status in 1972 and came under ministry of external affair for security reason and then under ministry of home affairs before statehood.

2. How many international boundaries surround arunachal:-
1. china
2. Nepal
3. Tibet
4. Myanmar
5. Bhutan
6. Bangladesh
a. 1,2,3,4,5,6
b. 1,3,4,5
c. 1,3,4,5,6
d. 1,2,3,4,5

Ans B

3. Arrange from West to East the geographical valley:-

1. miri hills
2. Mishmi hills
3. Dafla hills
4. Abor hills

a. 1,2,3,4
b. 3,1,4,2
c. 1,4,3,2
d. 3,2,1,4

Ans B

4. state can be divided into 5 river valleys:-

1. kameng
2. Siang
3. subansiri
4. Lohit
5. Tirap
6. Tista

a. 1,3,4,5,6
b. 1,2,3,4,5
c. 1,2,4,5,6
d. 2,3,4,5,6

Ans b they are the river valleys of arunachal. All these rivers are fed by snows from the Himalayas and countless rivers and rivulets except Tirap which is fed by Patkai Range.
Siang +dibang+ lohit = Brahmaputra

5. The state is culturally divided into eastern (Khamptis and Singphos ) and western (Monpas and Sherdukpens , Membas and Khambas ) following ,Hinyana and Mahayana Buddhist sect respectively, other tribe famous for Pisciculture –cum paddy cultivation. Are :-

a. Aptani and Adi
b. Noctes and Wanchos
c. Mishmis and Mijis
d. Tagins and Tangsas

Ans A

6. Eso,Mithun and Yak are animals found in

a. arunachal
b. Andaman
c. Orissa
d. Kerala

Ans A

1. State with second highest hydel power capacity and third highest power utility has started project on Priyadarshini Jurala HEP , which state it belongs to-:

a. AndhraPradesh
b. Rajasthan
c. Karnataka
d. Orissa

Ans A.other power station in AP , Pulichintala HEP,Rayalseema,Kothagodam,sriramsagar,Kakatiya

2. State with longest coastline-
a. Gujrat
b. AP
c. Orissa
d. Karnataka

Ans A….1600 km

3. Dance treatise Abhinaya darpana and bharatarnava is written by
a. Nandikeshwara
b. Basava
c. Tenalirama
d. Bharata

Ans A……..The earliest and the original Telugu drama was perhaps " Harishchandra " by Veeresalingam.

Four wildlife sanctuaries at Pakhui, Lali, Itanagar and Namdapha had been set up in 1979, covering an area of 3000 sq kms. The Mehao wildlife sanctuary was established in the Sixth Plan and Namdapha sanctuary was upgraded to the status of a national park in 1983. ‘Project Tiger’ was also launched in Namdapha in 1983. The Mouling Reserve Forest in East Siang district, covering an area of 483 sq kms, has been declared a national park in 1986.

Monday, December 08, 2008

08 dec 2008

1.Pritika kalra Gandhi who recently won National women Excellence Award 2008 is an:-

a. odissi dancer
b. author
c. painter
d. social worker
Ans A

2.Scopus Young Scientist awards are instituted by:-
a. Elsevier, the world’s leading research publisher of scientific information.
b. Indian Institute Of Sciences,banglore
d. UGC
Ans a)

3. ans the following
a. statement 1 and 2 are true and reason it out.
b. statement 1 and 2 are true and do not relate to each other
c. statement 1 is true and 2 is false
d. statement 1 is false and 2 is true

1. A securitization company or reconstruction company may resort to take over the management of the borrower “when the amount due to it from the borrower is not less than 25 percent of the total assets owned by the borrower”
2. It allows under the securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and enforcement of Security interests Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act)

Ans A

4. Autorickshaw ferrying children is banned in which city of India from jan 2009:-

a. bhubaneswar
b. delhi
c. chandigarh
d. jaipur
Ans C

5. Find mismatch

(i) National Institute of Nutrition : Hyderabad
(ii) National institue of cell sciences: pune
(iii) National institue of family and health management: mumbai

a . i only
b. ii only
c. iii only
d. none

Ans c NIFHM is at new delhi

6. Valganciclovir is a treatment for cytomegalovirus (CMV), a virus that often attacks the retina of people with lower immune systems, such as AIDS patients it is a patented drug under:-
a. Roche
b. Ranbaxy
c. Cipla
d. Aventis

Ans A

7. WI-Max is:-

a. wireless digital communications system that can provide broadband wireless access up to 50 km for fixed station .it is higher version of Wi- Fi
b. technology dealing with maximum current transfer with less loss in electricity supply
c. A new videogame
d. Wires required for connecting gates of transistor

Ans A

8. BECIL is
a. Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Ltd is a consultancy agency and turnkey solution provider in the area of broadcast engineering.
b. English name of Tulsi plant
c. subsidiary of Coal India limited (CIL) working in bihar.
d. none of above

Ans A .recently it was conferred mini ratna status, it was established as the government opened the broadcasting sector after the gulf war in 1989. regulates TV and radio broadcast ,FM broadcast, DTH etc

9. who invented blackberry

a. Mike lazaridis of University of waterloo, Canada
b. Ivan smith of Stanford
c. Vinod Dham
d. Microsoft
Ans a

10. Dr.Douglas Engelbart deviced X-y coordinator named as “mouse of computer” ,today celebrating 40 years of existence is now more accurate and operates with;-
a. LED
b. Infrared Laser
c. roller balls
d. transistor

Ans b

11. Who has termed SCI-FI:-
a. Issac Newton
b. Stevan Spielberg
c. Forrest J Ackerman
d. Stephan king

Ans C

12 Baju Melayu is:
a. traditional outfit of Malaysia
b. martial arts of assam
c. drink of Colombia
d. Japanese art of flowers

Ans A

Thursday, December 04, 2008

4th dec 2008

1. Recently a country started giving subsidy to it’s citizen for settling in rural areas and take up farming:-
a. Romania
b. Bulgaria
c. hungary
d. Italy

Ans A..under national rural development program a non-disbursable EU fund of $106million.

2. According to International Telecom Union the definition of broadband is fulfilled when the connection speed is
a. 128kbps
b. 256kbps
c. 512kbps
d. 2 Mbps
Ans B

3. oslo convention also known as CCM called for banning
a. Grenades
b. AK-47
c. cluster bombs and munitions
d. anti-tank Mines.
Ans C

4. International Centre of material science is located at
a. Vienna
c. Bangkok
d. Frankfurt
Ans B

5.Indian Institute of soil science is located at
a. new delhi
b. cuttack
c Bhopal
d. panjim

Ans C bhopal

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

3 Dec 2008

1. The city of Izhevsk , capital of Udmurt Republic, Russia has a history attached to it:-
a. The famous October revolution against Czar started here.
b. The city where Mikhail Kalashnikov designed AK-4 7 rifle.
c. The city having ice free port through out year.
d. Chess originated here.

Ans B

2. Find Mismatch;-
i. Indian Institute of packaging : Chennai
ii. National institute of Virology: Pune
iii. Administrative Staff College of India: Hyderabad
iv. IIFT: New Delhi

a. i only
b. i & ii only
c. none
d. iv only

Ans A….Indian Inst. Of Packaging is at Mumbai.

3. match the following

a. ▲ 1. 500 rs
b. ● 2. 100 rs
c. ◊ 3. 1000 rs

A….. B….C
a) 1……2…..3
b) 2……1…..3
c) 1……3…..2
d) 3……1…..2

Ans B …Marks on Indian Currency notes embossed for blinds to identify the value of note.

4. what are vanilla products offered by banks:-

a. A straightforward financial instrument, such as a standard fixed-interest product with no sophisticated add-ons.
b. Special add-on attractions that dress up an otherwise conventional investment or financial instrument to give it novelty. They are often used to improve the credit of securitized assets.
c. A kind of spice offered in exchange of gold
d. Ice cream available in bank canteen

Ans A…….the RBI has allowed banks from this week……..option b is called as bells and whistles……

5. Which article makes it a constitutional obligation for the government to preserve heritage buildings and protect them as in case of recent Mumbai attack on Taj heritage.:
a. article 48
b. article 49
c. article 50
d article 51
Ans b

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

1.Put the place on map

1. Hambantota
2. Kandy
3. batticaloa
4. triconomalee
5. Mannar

a) 1 2 3 4 5
b) 3 2 1 4 5
c) 1 3 2 5 4
d) 4 3 1 2 5

Ans d)

2. The tunnel passing through the north ossetia and south ossetia region is
a. gotthard
b. roki
c. laerdal

Ans B.. is a mountain tunnel of the Transkam road through the Greater Caucasus Mountains, north of the village Upper Roka. It is the only road joining North Ossetia-Alania in the Russian Federation to South Ossetia, a breakaway republic of Georgia.

3. find the mismatch
Book and author
1. The Audacity of Hope – Hillary clinton

2. The White Tiger - Arvind Adiga

3. The Algebra of infinite justice- Arundhati Roy

4. A town called dehra - Ruskin bond

a) 1 only
b) 1 &4
c) 3 &4
d) None

Ans A as barrack Obama has written the book

4 . match the following
a. Suvarnabhumi airport 1. london
b. heathrow 2. rome
c. Flumicino 3. Bangkok

a. 1 2 3
b. 3 1 2
c. 1 3 2
d. 2 1 3

Ans…………… b

5.. Indian Institute of Science and Education Research has been opened at
1. Bhopal
2. Thiruvananthapuram
3. Mohali
4. Pune
5. Kolkata
6. shillong

a) all of above
b) 1,2,3,4,5
c) 3,4,5
d) 2,4,5,6
Ans B

6. MC Mary Kom is
a. sportsperson (boxing)
b. sportsperson (weight-lifter)
c. author
d. fast food chain

Ans A ..4 times gold medalist in women boxing hailing from Manipur fights in 46 kg category